PERN Full-Stack App:Creature Collab

A social networking app for fictional characters.

creature collab dashboard
creature collab about

Using Postgres, Express, React, and Node, three of my classmates and I collaborated to build an interactive website for people who love role-playing games.

This website allows users to register as their favorite gaming or fantasy character, create events, and interact with other members to find friends for campaigns.

creature collab events

The most rewarding part of this project had little to do with the code, and everything to do with the team dynamic. The team I worked with for this project consisted of incredibly creative, gifted coders, who happen to share a love for gaming, fantasy, and other aspects of nerd culture. Each teammate's communication and organizational skills fully complimented one another's. Everyone got a chance to practice aspects of coding they wanted to improve, and together we developed a website that reflected not only our individual personalities and coding strengths, but also our collective joy in working together.

creature collab guidelines