Full-stack Group Hackathon Project:Pockets Full And Posing

An eCommerce website for renaissance, medieval, and fantasy themed consignment pieces.

pockets home page
pockets departments page

My team from the previous group project, Creature Collab, joined forces once again for this challenge. Our assignment was to create a full-stack app with a Vue frontend, a Postgres database, and a Python Django backend. We had less than 24 hours to fully develop our website, including styling. Although the short timeframe was indeed stressful, our group had established an efficient workflow in our last project together, and we were able not only to exceed the criteria for this assigment, but also have fun doing it! This website allows users to search by particular clothing item, or "vestments," or by department. Users can also search all vestments, and sort by price high-to-low or low-to-high. When a user clicks on an item, the details and quantity of the item will appear. The quantity of the item will update when a user clicks the "purchase" button.

pockets nobility page

While the other half of our team focused on building the backend database, I and my other teammate partnered on building the components of each page with Vue on the frontend. We both agreed that the structure of Vue lended itself well to how we wished to organize the data rendering of our website, and we found working with Vue to be enjoyable and intuitive.

pockets dress page