Full Stack Capstone Project:The Reveurs Collective

An interactive, immersive website for fans of Erin Morgenstern's best-selling novel "The Night Circus"

reveurs homepage

Our final assignment for the software engingeering immersive bootcamp was to design a fully functional app using any of the languages we learned throughout the course of the program. I chose Django and Python for my backend database, and Vue for my frontend.

reveurs locations page

I wanted my final project to reflect not only how far I'd come with my coding skills, but also my interests and passions as a person. As a creative, I sought to demonstrate how imagination and technical knowledge could work together to create something beautiful and meaningful to a user. For this endeavor, I chose to do a fan website based on the magical world dreamed up by Erin Morgenstern in "The Night Circus", a literary favorite of mine and a comfort read I return to often.

reveurs all exhibitions

The website currently allows users to explore the various locations and exhibitions of The Night Circus, and read author-attributed descriptions of the exhibitions lifted straight from the pages of the work itself.Users may also add predictions to where they think The Night Circus might appear next, or tell of a recent sighting.

My goal for the future of this website is to add more interactive, immersive features, such as a choose-your-own-adventure style experience, where users can meander through the labrythine tents of the Night Circus right from their screens. I'd also like to add a user authentication portal, and a space for users to submit Night Circus fan-fiction in the form of their own exhibition ideas, complete with an option for submitting original illustrations. The Exhibitions page would update to show their submissions, and other authenticated users could leave reviews of each exhibition.

reveurs exhibition details

I also made this short video compiled from fan art of The Night Circus for my app's homepage.